Speaking Engagements
The Core Counseling Services provides both in person and online interactive talks on mental health wellness to schools, churches, organizations, and/or businesses.
To inquire about having Lovinda Dabo, LMFT speak to your audience, please feel free to reach out to begin the collaboration process. To learn more about her list of talks, please click here to see her media kit.
It is our goal that concluding the workshop, training, or speaking engagement that your audience will walk away with essential core take aways that ultimately better the collective community!
What Workshops and Trainings Can Help With:
Developing and embedding a culture of safety in your establishment.
Empowering coworkers/students/church members to set boundaries and understand how our childhood’s intersect with our present day relationships.
Fostering inclusive and culturally safe spaces for collaboration and learning.
Improve your community’s mental health and well-being by actively engaging in dialogue and interactive group activities.
Improve self awareness.
Increase team building and promote/normalize mental health awareness.
Destigmatize mental health in the church.
General Topics:
Self care practices
Childhood Trauma
Work burnout
Work life balance
Dealing with Stress
Biblical context to mental health wellness
Trauma-informed classrooms